Locations By Zip Code

DNA collection sites by zip code

Collection sites location By zip code is our new service and we couldn't be more proud of it, this new service helps hundreds of visitors every day to find a near by location for sample collection.

How it works?
After sending your information and zip code, a D6 specialist will be assign to your case, using our large network he will locate the closest collection site to the zip code you provided. this process usually takes 30 min to an hour on regular business days, you will then receive a call back with the rest of the information you will be needing for your DNA test.
Fill out my online form.
About this contact form
This contact form is a new service we offer our customers, basically we find the closest collection site to your location according to your zip code. When you sign up for this form you get a free consultation within 30 min to an hour in most cases depending on working hours and time zone, it is by far the most aggressive approach we took upon our selves to help our customers. All the information you provide is confidential and secure, we respect our clients privacy.

Thank you D6®



D6® is happy to introduce our New! ONLINE STORE, a new way to order any DNA test with ease and simplicity like never before.


Our customers love us, see live reviews by our clients. We invite you add a comment of your own experience with D6®.


Tel: 800 590 6977
Email: Support@d-6.co

Partners Program

For Corporate Partners, Sample Collection Providers, Lawyers/agencies & DNA testing facilities (labs). See details


Non invasive paternity DNA testing as early as 5 weeks of pregnancy.